Monday, June 8, 2015

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I’ll start The Ugly

THE UGLY (what I don't like)
- Falling down (it hurts!)
- Ongoing grief (i.e.; I am constantly losing my abilities, so there's always something new to grieve the loss of)
- Struggling to turn over in bed (this is strangely hard and I can see the day when I won't be able to do this by myself)
- Choking on food or water which can cause me to have laryngospasm (When this happens to me, I know I’m fine but the people around me don’t. I just need to relax my vocal cords – which takes me perhaps 5-20 seconds before I’m back to normal - The only YouTube video I could find with an example is this one of an infant – listen to the first 20 seconds).
-  My left-hand “claw” (my hand has lost almost all ability to do any fine motor actions)
- Using forearm crutches to walk
- Walking really, really, really slowly
-  Using a walker in the mornings as I have so much trouble with balance in the early AM
-  Getting fitted for an electric wheelchair….and getting a loaner from the ALS Association Loaner Closet
- Dropping things
- Getting up out of a low chair (or even worse, a low toilet without handrails)
- Being so disabled that people hold doors open for me
-  Using a button hook to dress
- Having to wear an AFO on my left foot due to foot drop
- Listening to people telling me about their aches, pains, or minor health problems (do they really think that's the same thing I'm going through? I know they don't but it's weird when people do this)

THE BAD (what I miss)
- Running
- Walking
- Hiking
- Biking (on a normal 2 wheeled bike)
- My nightly beer (3 times I've fallen after having some beer - twice after one beer and another time after a half of a beer!  So I've sworn off beer until I'm in a wheelchair - NOT something I look forward to)
- Fixing things
- Working with tools in my shop
- Giving up my dream to fix up/rehab our 1966 27’ Airstream, and having to sell it instead
- Traveling in our Airstream trailer (we just finished a one month trip to northern California – which I fear will be our last)
- Talking normally
- Typing with six fingers (I'm down to four - three on my right hand and only the index finger of my left)
- Oh, and did I mention running?

THE GOOD (what I like – not many things but there are a few)
- Strangely Susannah, Lionel and I are closer than we have ever been and Susannah and I are in some ways, more in love then ever
- Family and friends
-  Riding my cool 3-wheeled recumbent HP Velotechnik Gekko fx bike with a Bionx electric torque-assist motor
- Having people hold open doors for me
-  Eating anything and everything I want (they want me to gain weight!)
- Great parking spaces
- Getting to ride those motorized disability carts at Safeway or Home Depot.  Unfortunately they have a sign on them that they can't be taken out of the store.  I figure I'll break that rule someday when I find another gimp who's game for a race in the parking lot
- Oh, and orgasms.  Because of the hyperreflexia that’s seen in ALS orgasms are kind of a full body experience.  Enough said.


Diana said...

I hate the ugly and bad and my heart goes out to you and Susannah. I love that you still have your sense of humor and see the good out there among the bad and ugly. I like that you two are striving to make each day the best you can. Your running friends don't mind that you are slower, we will just slow down too. It is good for us. We don't mind waiting for you to get the words out, we want to hear what you have to say. When you need help on your bike we will be there. And if our bike rides turn into walking while pushing your wheel chair we will be there too. We just want to enjoy you for as long as we have you. You are important to us.

flapjacks family restaurant said...

I read each one of your blogs.
You express your thoughts and experiences so eloquently.

I am not having any difficulty leaving a cornmeal I do have an old old blog account from my restaurant days. I'm not sure if that's way it makes it easier for me to leave a comment.

Thank you for your share.

Maria Scrocco -durso. ( a life that sings )

flapjacks family restaurant said...

Hats comment not cornmeal. ...ugh spell check. Lol